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Agile Process Consulting

I2labs Process Consulting provides Agile process and tools support for just established and growing development team. With our Consultant, your teams could adopt and stabilize Scrum/Kanban practices, migrate to Jira or get their Jira boards properly configured. It brings higher revenue from delivering value incremental and iterative.

Agile Process Improvement draws on agile practices, whose origins are from Lean manufacturing, with the latest and best practices of BPI, Management 3.0 and DevOps, to help teams become better at what they do and to help organizations become better workplaces.

Benefits of this approach

Our clients have felt the pain of developing and implementing applications, and are now ready to dramatically increase effectiveness and efficiency.

In traditional organisations, responsibility and decision-making is pushed up to the highest levels of rank. Responsibility and trust can be devolved to the people ‘at the coalface’, who are more immediately connected to the project’s risks and results. The process takes time and builds on repeated successes, delivery to commitment, and transparency.

The goals are: